Prayer for the new school year

Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19

Every kid is one adult away, from being a success story.

Josh Shipp

Thank you Jesus, for this new day, for a new opportunity. Thank you for giving us your love and mercy. Thank you for giving us new hopes and stronger faith.

Today I want to pray for families. I pray you bless the kids that are starting a new school year, may they persevere and succeed in it. May they excel in all of their subjects, and may you give them confidence in themselves. I pray you give the high school and college students the wisdom they need, help them develop discipline and time management skills. May your angels keep guard of each school this school year; may there be no reports of deaths or shootings in the school year.

I also pray for their homes, I pray their homes are filled with peace, joy and u understanding. I ask you Jesus to bring love, hope and faith into each home: may generational curses break in Jesus name. I pray against sexual abuse, domestic violence or negligence in the homes Jesus. Help this generation my God.

I also ask you Lord God to cover the children in your blood Lord God. May you equip children to know what to know reject and what to retain. May they walk in wisdom and in truth God. I ask you Lord God to rebuke the spirit of confusion that is attacking this generation, with the transgender movement. I pray parents would also receive wisdom to know that their children are under their care, at least until they are 18 years old.

Lord Jesus help us fight against demonic attacks and agendas. Help us war in the spirit for our children and families. I ask you for strength, will and desire for all your children. In Jesus name, Amen.

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