Devotional 8/10

Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil. ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:26-27‬ ‭

God is not committed to your dream, God is committed to His purpose for your life.
Mike Todd

The Lord created us with an addictive nature, I believe so wholeheartedly. If you’ve noticed, we are addicted to the most ludicrous things: food, drugs, liquor, sex, fears (phobias), fashion, TV, social media, shopping, and so on. We literally thirst and hunger for fulfillment.

Fulfillment is satisfaction, delight, happiness, or the achievement of something or of becoming. There are ways of having this fulfillment but it is temporary, and it wears out. We long for a car, or a marriage partner but these won’t fill us. The highs goes down, the new clothes become old, familiarity takes the place of excitement… it is just life. They usually leave us empty, tired and disappointed: looking for another fixSee the source image

God desires that we choose His will, and although I believe in free will: but as we all know, we are in a constant fight with good and evil. Sometimes it’s not easy to choose God over self. We need to make decisions that align to the word of God, this way we can receive direction and purpose.

The bible says that we reap what we sow, and if we sow in wisdom the future looks pretty bright- but if we sow in worldliness, or fleshly impulse, we will reap sin and destruction. I have not found any other way to do right before God, in order to take control over my flesh than to pray for wisdom and search the scriptures. Wisdom helps us seek after righteousness, increases our understanding and discernment to make decisions and the right choices, and helps us avoid the wide road to hell.

I would like to believe that God is interested in supplying to our satisfaction, because He is Father God. God says that He offers us a life of abundance, but He is also a jealous God, and desires us to be addicted to only Him.

I have known a God that wrestles me into submission. He has taken me from level to level, in order that I understand who I am in Christ and to know His different facets. Sometimes God has to hurt us, block our path and even remove people from our lives to help us. God knows who and where we will be five years from now, and He knows that whatever decisions we make today will promote or oppose His plan in that season: may Holy Spirit wrestle with you until you submit to His will today.


Let’s pray:

Lord, I come before to let you know that I want to see souls saved, and I want your plans to be fulfilled in the lives of the people who I love. But I also want to happy and fulfilled. I pray for joy and contentment for all believers, may you increase our wisdom to express ourselves clearly, assertively and with boldness. May we increase in wisdom to discern between good and evil influences, and may we also receive wisdom to know where we are going and who to take with us and how to get there. Thank you Jesus, in your name I pray. Amen.

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